Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Blog Update February 26

I hope that you had a great day off!!!

Parent/Teacher Conferences - February 26
Parent-Teacher Conference schedules were sent home.  Middle school conferences are not scheduled.  However, the MS teachers will be available in the Worship Center for a 7-minute conference from 4-8 PM.

Conference Babysitting
Parents, do you need someone to watch your children while you attend parent teacher conferences on Tuesday, February 26? If so, you have a fun and friendly option to choose right here at school! 8th graders will be offering their babysitting services, complete with activities planned, from 4-8 p.m. on conference days in order to raise money for their class trip to Mackinaw City in May. Take advantage of this convenient and entertaining (or educational, if your child needs to get some homework done!) opportunity, and help to support the 8th graders with a donation. Sign in/out will be in the band/choir room. If you have questions, feel free to contact Mrs. Oren.
Learning Commons News
We are closing in on our fabulous LEAP Conference (Lead/Empower/Assist Parents) Saturday, March 2 at Kent ISD.  You, your families, friends and co-workers still have time to register at:  www.kentisd.org >  click on "Special Education"  >  LEAP

A direct link to online registration:  Click Here  or call:  616-365-2231

This day long workshop is filled with breakout sessions geared towards parents & providers of special needs children. Hosted by Kent ISD, Kent County Health Department Children's Special Health Care Services & Grand Valley State University.  See the attached "Schedule at a Glance" and "Breakout Sessions Descriptions" handouts.
*Registration is $15, however scholarships are available by calling 616-365-2384
*Over 15 community organizations and exhibitors will be on site
*Lunch is included
*Free parking
*And of course….door prizes!
*Free childcare provided by the YMCA - Pre-registration required: Contact Heather Walczewski (616) 855-9625 orhwalczewski@grymca.org

TRIP news
Keep up on TRIP news in the school home bulletin!!!
P.E. News
The kids in 3rd-8th grades will be spending several weeks playing volleyball.  The younger students will be working on various motor skills, like jumping and leaping.  They will also be practicing underhand and overhand skills.

If you took any RCS Basketball photos that maybe we can use for the yearbook, you can e-mail me at dworst@grcs.org.  Please specify what grade(s).

6th Grade Environmental News
Anyone interested in the 6th Grade Craft & Crop (aka  Womens Time Out!!)? March 1 & 2 at RCS. Fri 5 pm-11 pm. Sat 9 am-6pm. $35. Includes meal, snacks and beverages on Friday, a light breakfast, snacks, beverages and lunch on Sat. Students are available to transport you necessities. Come and knit, read, play games, make cards, stamp, scrapbook, make jewelry, chat or just take some time for yourself. Silpada, Thirty-one and Creative Memories representatives will be on hand .  If you would like to attend please contact Tami Redfield at

Did You Know??????
That the sixth grade Environmental Classroom has a weather station that tells the temperature, wind speed, wind chill, barometric pressure, and many more things that are happening outside? The weather station will give us up-to-the-minute weather information so the kids won’t have to go outside for recess when the wind chill is below zero.  Be sure to watch for the weather information displayed on the monitors each day.  Thanks, Mr. VerMerris, and the rest of the EC students!!!!!!
A week at a glance:

Tuesday February 26
Conferences 4:00-8:00 P.M

Wednesday February 27 
6th grade Environmental will be going to their GGAs.

Thursday  February 28
7th/8th Band & Orchestra Concert, CAW, 7:30 P.M

End of the Day Pick-Up Procedures
In an effort to maintain the safety of our students, we have reminded them of the expectations for car and bus pick-up at the end of the school day.  At dismissal, students are expected to head to the car lines, the bus doors, or After Care.  Parents who are in the building or parking lot should expect their students to join them immediately after dismissal so we can be sure of their whereabouts.  If your student remains after school for any reason, he/she is expected to either be in After Care or with his/her parent.  Thank you for reinforcing these expectations to assure the safety of our students.

I’m praying that you have a great week full of God’s love!
Thanks for all that you do for God’s kingdom!
 Mr. Dave