Monday, March 17, 2014

Blog Update Monday March 17, 2014

I hope that you had a great weekend!!!
I hope that you had a good St. Patrick’s Day today!

March Madness
Here is a direct link to the online March Madness calendar on the Rockford Christian Wiki for your convenience.  Let the fun begin!            
Thank you, Mrs. Snow for giving us this link!

Overdue Books
Many students (84!) received an overdue notice for books that they have checked out from the RCS library. Please ask your student if they have overdue books and remind them to return the books to the library ASAP. If they have a question about their overdue books or think they have already returned them, please talk to either Mrs. Ruiter or Mrs. McGinnis in the library. Thanks!

Fun Run
The PTO is working on its upcoming fundraiser.  We are excited to be doing a FUN RUN on May 16th! This is an all school event, designed to promote community and fitness all while raising money for our school.  We are looking for a few sponsors for the event.  All sponsors will have their company name on all the Fun Run Tee shirts that the students and teachers will be wearing.   If you are interested in being a sponsor please let us know. You can contact Carrie

Student Illness
We ask that students be symptom free (fever, vomiting, etc.) for 24 hours before they return to school. Thanks for helping keep us healthy!

Please Remember to Update Your Email Addresses
Because more and more school communication is sent via email, it is important that we have your updated email addresses in our system. If you or your spouse change your email address, please notify us at school so that we can make the change, system-wide. Thank you.

2 Hour Delay Reminder
A two hour delay will result in: no before school care, morning kindergarten, preschool and Kids Club. After school care will be available at the end of the school day. If the delay happens on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday, class for afternoon kindergarten enrichment students will begin at 12 noon that day.

Yearbook Reminder
If you have not ordered a yearbook, your child should have received a reminder in the last week. If you are still interested in ordering a yearbook they are currently $25 dollars.  Order forms are located in the office. Orders are due before Spring Break. Order your yearbook today!

Spring Sport Pictures
Was your son or daughter in a spring sport last year? The yearbook committee is looking for pictures taken at games of spring sports last year.  If you have a few pictures that you would be willing to share for the yearbook, please email Kim Wierenga at

Geo Bee
Congratulations to 7th grader Blake Falk who won our school Geo Bee and subsequently qualified to participate at the state level in the National Geographic Bee!  He will compete against 100 other qualifiers from around the state at Western Michigan University on April 4 to attempt to make it to the national bee.  Great job, Blake!

6th Grade Environmental Classroom
Spring officially begins this week Thursday, March 20 this year.  That date may not promise immediate warm weather but it sure will be nice to say “Adios” to this winter and “Aloha” to spring!!

This week Friday the 6th grade Environmental Classroom students will be taking a tour of the waste-to-energy (WTE) facility in downtown Grand Rapids.  This is the facility where all the refuse and garbage from GR comes to get burned in the huge incinerator.  The heat produced heats water, the water turns to steam, the steam turns turbines, the turbines produce electricity.  Wow!!  Is that ever neat!!!  This field trip is a part of their learning about energy of Michigan.

Today’s Family Time:
Ask your student about St. Patrick, especially where he was born. Mrs. Werdon  shared a biography about this famous saint who was a missionary in Ireland and the third graders blessed us with some traditional Irish blessings.

The middle school has Mr. Neil Bierling (Mrs. Oren’s father) come and speak on James 4.  He spoke about God’s will--Deo Velonte-- and our plans.  Our plans don’t always go the way we think they will but God has everything under control.

Week at a Glance
Today Monday the 17th
St. Patrick’s Day

Tomorrow Tuesday the 18th
Camp Roger 3rd gr. AM
Favorite sports team day
Wear your favorite sport clothing to school.

Wednesday the 19th
Camp Roger Preschool AM
Camp Roger 1st. grade PM
Stuffed Animal Day. Bring your favorite!

Thursday the 20th
Camp Roger Kindergarten, 2nd grade and Spanish Incl. AM
Spring officially begins
Mismatched Shoe Day. Wear mismatching shoes

Friday the 21
Camp Roger 4th gr. AM
Camp Roger 5th gr. PM
Beach day
Wear your favorite shades and beach clothes (no bathing suits, please) to school

May the blessing of light be upon you,
Light on the outside,
Light on the inside.
With God's sunlight shining on you,
May your heart glow with warmth,
Like a turf fire
that welcomes friends and strangers alike.
May the light of the Lord shine from your eyes,
Like a candle in the window,
Welcoming the weary traveler
.Irish Blessing

Thanks for all you do for God’s Kingdom!
Mr. Dave

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