Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Blog Update Monday , March 7

I hope you had a good weekend with your friends and family!

Highlights from the home bulletin

Yearbooks are now $27. Click here to order online or in the office. The option to personalize your yearbook through online ordering if only available for a few more weeks.  Order your book today! If you have any questions, please contact Kim Wierenga (kwierenga@grcs.org).

Do you own a business? Or work at a business that would like to support RCS? The yearbook staff is looking for businesses to support RCS by placing an ad in the yearbook. Ads start at $35. Contact Kim Wierenga (kwierenga@grcs.org) if you have questions or would like to place an ad. Click here to order online or order in the office.
Daddy-Daughter Dance
Thanks to all the dads (and special guests) that brought their daughters out for this special night at RCS!! The pictures are available on Shutterfly. The user name is DaddyDaughter16@gmail.com and the password is rockford6060.

Elementary Theme Week
MAKER SPACE is quickly approaching! We are in need of "small" recycled items: caps, container tops, yogurt containers, odd shaped plastic dishes etc. If you have any of these items that you would recycle anyways, please drop them off in the bin outside the 2nd grade classroom. We greatly appreciate it!
-Mrs. Burgess and Mrs. VZ

Family Time
Thank you to Mrs. Broersma and the fourth graders for showing us what intolerance and tolerance looks like. They performed 4 skits with a “rewind” in each, giving each group a chance to “undo” intolerance and turn it into tolerance, understanding, and compassion.
Ask your student about this Family Time.

Hot Lunch
Please remind your children that, if they order hot lunch, they must pick up the item they ordered. We do not want to waste food, and we need to keep accurate counts so that what is ordered in the morning is available at lunch

Hot Lunch this week

Tuesday, March 8
1 Macaroni & cheese,s teamed broccoli, carrots, mini chocolate chip muffin, apple slices
2 Trix for kids

Wednesday, March 9
1 Cinnamon French toast, sausage link, potato wedges, apple juice, orange wedges, bananas
2 Turkey sub bag

Thursday,  March 10
1 Ham & cheese calzone, tomato soup, carrots, fruit choice
2 Warm pretzel & cheese

Friday,  March 11
1 Domino’s pizza, pepperoni/cheese pizza, hearty Romaine garden salad, carrots, cherry tomatoes, apples, oranges, grapes
2 Banana split cereal bag

Monday, March 14
1 Popcorn chicken bowl, whipped potatoes & gravy, carrots, dinner roll, fruit choices
2 Nacho bag

Tuesday, March 15
1 Pillsbury pancakes, sausage link, tator tots, strawberries, bananas
2 Trix for kids

Learning Commons news for this week
To celebrate “March is Reading Month”, middle school students are playing March Madness, not with basketball games, but with books. Sixteen books were chosen by popular vote and placed into brackets. Each student filled out their brackets and voting takes place every week.
Let’s find out which books make it to the finals! The student(s) who guesses correctly will receive a prize. Last year’s winner was Jamarcus Cool!
Mystery Readers: Students in elementary grades are listening to books read by “mystery readers”, teachers whose voices have been distorted electronically, and guessing who the mystery reader is.

The Middle School Makerspace is going strong! We have some great projects being worked on by some enthusiastic students. We can’t wait to share them with the school. If your student has not yet come to the Makerspace, they are welcome at any time. The Makerspace is open Thursdays and Fridays during lunch break.

PE News news for this week
Reminder: All students must wear tennis shoes for PE. If they do not have their tennis shoes they are not able to participate as regular shoes make scuffs on the gym floor. for 5th-8th grade they will lose half their participation points for the day if they do not have their shoes.

Upcoming dates

Sun, March 13,
Mother/Son Event,1:30pm – 4:30pm

I would love to continue to pray for you and your family.  If you would like to let me know any prayer requests, I would be happy to pray.
I’m praying that you have a great week!
Thanks for all that you do for God’s kingdom!
Mr. Dave

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